Eine Delegation des Ausschusses für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung reist vom 22. April bis 30. April 2014 nach Vietnam und Bangladesch. Geleitet wurd die Delegation durch die Vorsitzende Dagmar G. Wöhrl (CSU). Weitere Delegationsteilnehmer waren Jürgen Klimke (CDU), Frank Heinrich (CDU), Stefan Rebmann (SPD), Gabi Weber (SPD), Niema Movassat (DIE LINKE) und Uwe Kekeritz (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN).
Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Zusammenstellung der Reaktionen der örtlichen Medien auf den Besuch der Delegation:
Germany seeks AL-BNP dialogue for funds.
“For us it is very important to ensure we don’t leave Bangladesh (budget deficient),” visiting MP Dagmar Wohrl said on Tuesday, “Particularly in the difficult time after the Rana Plaza tragedy. We would like to continue support and to expand our relations.”
Prime Minister Sheikh seeks more German support.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has sought greater cooperation from the German government, its people and politicians for Bangladesh’s development.
Hasina expressed this wish when a five-member visiting German parliamentary team called on her at her office on Tuesday. Chairperson of the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development of the German Parliament Ms Dagmar G Wohrl led the team.
German parliament worried over fallout. Head of visiting delegation tells media; hopes for political dialogue soon; Hasina seeks more German investment, cooperation.
“I must express the Bundestag’s concerns that the current parliament has been elected by a small part of the electorate only, with tens of millions of voters having been deprived of the possibility to cast their ballot,” said Dagmar G Wöhrl, leader of a visiting German parliamentary delegation.
German MPs dubious over political stability.
„We have some doubts whether it can be maintained for a full period of five years, says Wohrl. Appreciating the prevailing political stability in the country, the Visiting German Parliamentary delegation has expressed doubt whether it can be maintained for the next five years. “I must express the Bundestag’s concerns that the current parliament has been elected by a small part of the electorate only, with tens of millions of voters having been deprived of the possibility to cast their ballots.”
Prime Minister Sheikh seeks German support for BD’s dev.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday sought cooperation from German government, its people and political leaders as in the past to expedite her government’s relentless efforts to ensure a better life for its people. The Prime Minister made the request when the visiting five-member German Parliamentary Delegation, led by Dagmar G. Wöhrl, met her at her office. PM’s special assistant Mahbubul Hoque Shakil briefed reporters after the meeting.
Prime Minister Sheikh seeks more German support for uplift.
PM has sought more German investment in various potential sectors in Bangladesh.
The premier came up with the urge when a five-member delegation of German parliament paid a courtesy call at her office here on Tuesday morning.
After the meeting, PM’s Special Assistant Mahbubul Haque Shakil briefed journalists, reports BSS. Dagmar G Wohrl, chairperson of the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development of German Parliament led the team.
German team calls on Prime Minister. German support sought for BD’s development.
A German parliamentary delegation holding talks with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at her office in the city Tuesday.
Prime Minister (PM) Sheikh Hasina sought cooperation from the German government, its people and political leaders as in the past to expedite her government’s relentless efforts to ensure a better life for the people of Bangladesh, report agencies. The PM made the request when a five-member parliamentary delegation of Germany paid a courtesy call on her at her office in the city Tuesday. Chairperson of the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development of German Parliament Dagmar G Wohrl led the team.
Vietnam ist eines der am stärksten vom Klimawandel betroffenen Länder.
Die Delegation hat im Süden des Landes ein Umweltschutzprojekt der GIZ besichtigt, mit dem die Widerstandsfähigkeit des Küstenökosystems verbessert werden soll. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Stärkung der lokalen Fachkräftebasis durch berufliche Bildung. Hierzu hat die Delegation den Modellausbildungsbetrieb einer deutschen Firma in Hanoi besuchen. Darüber hinaus steht die Stadtentwicklung mit den Schwerpunkten Abwasser- und Abfallentsorgung auf dem Programm. Die Abgeordneten führen politische Gespräche mit Vertretern der Regierung und mit Nichtregierungsorganisationen zum Thema Landwirtschaft, Sozialstandards und zur „Green Growth Strategy“.
In Bangladesch liegt der thematische Schwerpunkt auf den Rahmenbedingungen in der Textilindustrie.
Mit Projekten der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit wird eine Verbesserung der Arbeitsbedingungen und die Vereinbarung von Sozial- und Umweltstandards angestrebt. Die Delegation führte dazu Gespräche mit Vertretern der Regierung, Gewerkschaften, Nichtregierungsorganisationen und Repräsentanten des Entschädigungsfonds. Darüber hinaus trifft sich die Delegation mit Textilarbeitern und Opfern des Rana Plaza Unglücks.
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